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  • "The necks of the wheels have to be shortened so that their heads are further towards the back of the swings and that the leaders tug is lengthened compared to that of the point dogs ".

    This language borrowed from the anglo-saxons is the one used by certain people "initiated" in sled dog sport ....
    The following glossary will help you in the translation of this “men of the forest” language ...

    The Dogs

    Alaskan Husky :
    Sled dog, originally bred in Alaska mainly coming from eskimo and indian cross breeding.
    Dog Team :
    All the dogs rigged to a sled, pulka or a two, three or four wheeled machine.
    Dog Box :
    Enclosed, standardised compartment generally placed in a vehicle or trailer, used for dog transport thier rest during training or copetition excertions. Also applies to individual cages in a kennel.
    Sled Dog :
    Sled dog/bitch : Any dog (pure breed or not) having the physical and mental capacities which allow it to participate in sled dog sporting activities (competition or recreational) and alike.
    Lead Dog :
    Dog placed at the head of a dog team and educated to answer to the conductors orders, only given vocally.
    Leader :
    Dog placed at the head of a dog team and educated to answer to the conductors orders, only given vocally.
    Point Dog :
    Dog placed just behind the lead dog/s.
    Double Lead :
    Two lead dogs : Dogs placed at the head of a dog team and educated to answer to the conducters orders, only given vocally.
    Dream Dog :
    A dream dog or the best dog ever !!!
    Greyster :
    Breed of dog : A word composed by the contraction of Greyhound and Förster (pointer in German) being a dog crossed greyhound/German pointer, generally with a dominance of pointer, mainly bred in Norway and generally used in the discipline of ski-pulka.
    Husky :
    Pluriel huskies, generic term meaning a nordic sled dog type nordique, exemple : Siberian Husky, Alaskan Husky, Mackenzie Husky, Aurora Husky, etc. Often used in a restrictive way to denote a Siberian Husky.
    Registered Nordic Breed :
    Meaning a dog from one of the four sled dog breeds acknowledged by the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI) : Siberian Husky, Alaskan Malamute, Samoyede and Greenland Eskimo Dog.
    Single Lead :
    One dog paced at the head of a dog team and educated to answer to the conducters orders, only given vocally.
    Swing Dog :
    Dog placed just behind the lead dog/s.
    Team Dog :
    The case being, all the other team dogs.
    Village Dogs :
    Degrading term referring to dogs which are poorly sociablised and of unknown breed, good for nothing dogs...
    Wheel Dog :
    Dog placed at the back of a team, directly in front of the sled. 

    The Orders

    Easy ! :
    Order to slow down.
    Gee ! :
    Order to turn right.
    Haw ! :
    Order to turn left.
    Hike ! :
    Order to make the team move on, it’s the order to get going.
    Mush ! :
    Many people think it’s the word used to get going…
    Hike ! is used most often.
    Whoa ! :
    Order for the team to stop.

    The Lines

    Center Line :
    The main line hitched to the sled, or rig, or bike or the scooter and to which, are attatched in regular spacings the individual lines and neck lines (uniquely in the teams in simple or doble file).
    Fan Hitch :
    Center Line in a fan : A team is called this where each dog is hitched directly to the sled by an individual line. This system was originally used by the Eskimos.
    Gang Line :
    All the lines hitching the dogs to the sled (on snow) or to a machine with two, three or four wheels (off snow).
    Neck Line :
    Line hitching a dogs collar to the central line (uniquely in the teams in simple or double file).
    Panic Snap :
    A snap with a special device allowing quickly to attatch and detatch a security line.
    Safety Line :
    Line attached to one side of the sled or rig and the other extremity to the conductors wrist used to avoid all loss of a team, such a line can be very dangerous in use.
    Single Hitch :
    A team is thus called when the dogs are hitched one behind the other in indian file. Originally used by indians in the forests.
    Snap :
    Snub Line :
    Line attached to the sled or rig by one extremity and used to secure the team when immobile to a fixed point. In the ski-pulka discipline the snub line hitches the pulka to the skier.
    Tandem Hitch :
    A team is thus called when the dogs are hitched one behind the other in two parallel lines.
    Tow Line :
    Main line hitched to the sled, or rig, or bike, or scooter and to which are attatched in regular intervals the individual lines and the neck lines (uniquely in the simple ou double file teams).

    Tug Line :
    Line hitching the dogs harness to the central line (simple ou double file teams) or directly to the sled (fan hitch team).

    The Sled

    Basket :
    Sleds central platform made up of lathes or a board upon which the dog bag is posed, used to carry material or eventually an injured dog or one than needs to rest.
    Brake Mat :
    Braking system composed of a notched rubber mat linked to the sled by articulated arms which the conductor actions with his foot to slow down and control the sled.
    Brake Pad :
    Braking system composed of a notched rubber mat linked to the sled by articulated arms which the conductor actions with his foot to slow down and control the sled.
    Brush Bow :
    Front part of a sled, supple and generally in a rounded form, has no angles, used to protect the sled against impacts with obstacles.
    Dog Bag :
    Ventilated bag especially designed so as to carry an indisposed dog or one needing rest in all security. Obligatory in competions on snow, not to be confused with a "doggy bag" used by Americans to take away the rests of thier meal in restaurants.
    Drag Brake :
    Braking system composed of a notched rubber mat linked to the sled by articulated arms which the conductor actions with his foot to slow down and control the sled.
    Driving Bow :
    Part of a sled upon which the hands of the conductor rest and which is used to balance and direct the sled.
    Handle Bar :
    Part of a sled upon which the hands of the conductor rest and which is used to balance and direct the sled.
    Handlebow :
    Part of a sled upon which the hands of the conductor rest and which is used to balance and direct the sled.
    Runners :
    Part of a sled which is like a ski and allows the sled to slide on the snow.
    Generally covered with a runner made of plastic often removable and able to be waxed.
    Stanchion :
    Stanchion, male part of the assembling of a wooden sled.
    Toboggan :
    Plate of plastic fixed on the runners of a sled. This type of sled is used in powder snow or slushy snow or on a packed snow trail, most often off trail or to open a trail.


    Booties :
    A sock generally made from cloth, made to protect the dogs paws from certain trail agressions (for ex. ice).
    Dog Shaft :
    Dog Shaft made of rigid material, but supple (for.ex. fibreglass, articulated aluminium, bamboo) situated at the front of the pulka. The pulka is équiped with two dog shafts of the appropriate length between which the dogs are hitched in simple file.
    Harness :
    Equipment made of leather, but more often from synthetic webbing and padded, adapted to the morphology to be able to garuntee the best comfort for the dog who wears it and allowing the dog to move freely and in all security while pulling a load. There exists different models of harnesses adapted to the diverse activities of sled dog sports an alike.
    Ice Hook :
    A hook similar to a snow hook but used when a trail has areas of ice.
    Pulka :
    Of Scandinavian origine, like a wooden sled , made of plastic or any other solid and lightweight material (carbon, fibreglass, …) able to carry material or a wheight (competition), fitted with two dog shafts and used to hitch one or several dogs in a line (maximum four in a competition).
    Rig :
    Three or four wheeled machine, with no engin, able to be pulled by a team of sled dogs.
    Rigging :
    All the material necessary to attatch, hitch a dog to a sled.
    Scooter :
    Two wheeled machine with no engin, able to be pulled by a team of sled dogs.
    Snow Hook :
    Hook generally made of metal and having points which is linked to the central line of the dog team by a short cord and which the conductor plunges into the snow so as to hold the dogs and sled immobile.

    Mushing words...

    Class :
    The sled dog competitions are divided into “classes” according to the number of dogs hitched. The class will generally be identified by the maximum number of dogs who are able to be hitched.
    Dog Driver :
    The person driving the sled and dog team.
    Handler :
    Literally "the one who holds" , "Helper" : The person helping a competitor in the maintenance and harnessing of the dogs.
    Musher :
    The Person driving the sled and team.
    Professionals also use the term “ meneur de chiens » and in competions also speak of team pilot. As it is an english word there is no "musheuse" sorry ladies you will also be called “musher ".
    Pedaling :
    Litterally to "pedal". Action of pushing with one foot while keeping the other one on the sled.
    Pulkaïste :
    Someone practicing the activity of ski-pulka.
    Race Marshal :
    Official responsible for the application and interpretation of the organisation and compétition rules during a sled dog race.
    Skijörer :
    Someone practicing the activity of ski-pulka.
    Skijöring :
    Sport activity paractised by a cross country skier being pulled by one or several dogs with the help of a line equipped with a shock absorber.
    Stake-Out :
    Dogs parking area provided by the organiser of a competition nearby the competitors car park to tie the dogs before beinf hitched and for when they are not racing.
    Stake-Out Line :
    A line made of cable or a chain intended to attatch the dogs to. Made up of a prinicipal line upon which are fixed short lines so as to attatch each dog individually. Each end of the principal line is fixed by a stake in the ground, or on the bumpers of a vehicule or between two trees.

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